Love You Even More with Jackie Brubaker

I'm on Summer Break!

Jackie Brubaker

I'm on Summer Break! I've never taken an official break from the podcast. But, I can't think of a better time to do so than for Summer. Last year was a pretty stressful year for me and I've been taking the time to heal and grow from it. Now I'm focused on having some fun and planning new episodes with new guests when the podcast returns in the Fall! I urge you to take the time you need to regroup if you're recovering from burn out . Enjoy the simplicity of life in all that you do and enjoy it. Eat some watermelon. Swim in the ocean. Call an old friend. Appreciate how beautiful life is everyday.

I'm excited to be back this Fall refreshed and ready with new, inspiring episodes from inspiring people! In the meantime, catch up on some of my favorite episodes starting now until the Fall. Happy Summer!

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